Curiosity in Children
This isn’t advice, but I’d like to share what I did to get my daughter interested in coding. Like any parent, I showed her all sorts of things to learn coding at a young age, it was zero curiosity. After a while I couldn’t understand why I had done this, I just put it on… Read more…
Configuration Updates With Emacs 29
As I mentioned in my last post, I started using VSCode to see what I’m missing and I thought that it’s a good time to take all the risks and break my Emacs configuration. In the last changes, I tried to use the built-in alternatives of the packages like eglot instead of lsp-mode. Now I’ve made the decision to update Emacs… Read more…
Status Update on Emacs
I’ve used Emacs for years, and it’s not easy to get rid of this archaic (what?) editor. Although it helped me do my job better, my setup was not as stable as in the editor. When I started working as a web developer, I was installing all the project requirements on the local machine, even… Read more…
Return Back to Blog
“Hey, Twitter is not like in the good old days, I’m switching to Mastodon.“ No no, I’ll not say this. I already tried that, and I couldn’t succeed. Because I was alone and my friends continued to stay on Twitter. Now, after the latest news about Twitter layoffs, I see a similar migration again, but… Read more…
My Game List in Itchio Bundle
The bundle is here; I will update the list when I finished a game. Read more…
Remote Development Environment
When I started using Windows in 2014, I continued to keep my development environment on Linux. I first did this with Vagrant; then, I used WSL, Docker, WSL2. I had an idea forming in my head ever since. I’m already using two different systems on a computer simultaneously; is it possible to use one in… Read more…
Pair Programming
Pair programming has been a known and applied method for a long time. I know that it has more than one purpose and practice, but I want to say some things about an expert and a novice working together. Investigation For a long time, I went to the dental clinic for braces treatment, and after… Read more…
Three Questions to a CTO
I’m not a CTO of Radity anymore, but I trust that it will succeed more in the future. One of my old coworkers asked me some questions to understand what I was doing in this position. To remember it later, I wanted to share the questions and my answers here. What are the most critical… Read more…
How to Fix Default Fonts Problem on Firefox
Most of the websites are using Helvetica as an alternative font, and Ubuntu is trying to set Nimbus Sans as a similar font even you have Helvetica font. Also, the default font on Firefox is DejaVu Sans, but the default fonts are working just if the styles don’t specify a font family in a website.… Read more…
Lost in Conversation
Bill Murray’ın Scarlett Johansson ile birlikte oynadığı 2003 yapımı Lost in Translation filmini, bu karantina günlerinde izlemenizi tavsiye ediyorum. Ben seneler önce ilk izlediğimde çok sıkılmıştım; ama sonra tekrar tekrar, severek izledim ve bir şekilde hayatımda yer edindi. Bu yazının başlığını oradan türettim. 2018’de Berlin’e göç ettik. Eski iş arkadaşımın tavsiyesiyle merkeze uzakta yaşamaya karar… Read more…