My Game List in Itchio Bundle

The bundle is here; I will update the list when I finished a game. Crosscode Gonner Inmost Sundered Baba Is You Moon Hunters Celeste Towerfall Ascension Towerfall Dark World Minit They Bleed Pixels Long Gone Days Midnight Scenes Midnight Scenes Episode 2 Hidden Folks Lenna’s Inception Golf Peaks Detective Case And Clown Bot Pushamo Cruel World Gun Rounds Sokobond Haque Schildmaid Mx Magnibox Ultra Hat Dimension Rebop Blasters Explorers Delver Speer ...

March 9, 2022 · 1 min


I have a gaming PC for two years but couldn’t have time to play a game. So I decided to change my priorities in my life and will try to play more games and read more books this year. My first plan was to play this game with my daughter, but I realized that it was not a suitable game for kids after I bought it, so I’ll pay attention to use the family filter from now on. ...

January 21, 2020 · 1 min

Oceanhorn 2

I had trouble understanding the story of the game because I didn’t play the first one. You start to play the game in the middle of the adventure. You have a sword and shield, so you think that the story is in the past, but you also have a kind of motorcycle that has no wheels but can fly. Also, you have a brother in arms named Gen, and it’s a robot. The other friend Trin tells you the story during the game, help you to solve the puzzle. ...

January 21, 2020 · 2 min