Rust Essentials

Mostly I do not prefer to read the books written for teaching a programming language. Because a good language community already places the importance on their websites to promote the programming language beautifully as in Python and Rust. In these websites, you can find documentation, tutorials, even a free ebook that allows you to read from the website directly, and they’re mostly up-to-date. As you know, Rust is not an easy-to-learn programming language. So I frequently look at the official documentation of Rust, and sometimes I choose a random topic and read them again and again. Before starting to read this book, I took a look at the pages and saw some details that I still missed on the Rust documentation. Then I read the entire book thoroughly. ...

February 2, 2020 · 2 min


I have a gaming PC for two years but couldn’t have time to play a game. So I decided to change my priorities in my life and will try to play more games and read more books this year. My first plan was to play this game with my daughter, but I realized that it was not a suitable game for kids after I bought it, so I’ll pay attention to use the family filter from now on. ...

January 21, 2020 · 1 min

Oceanhorn 2

I had trouble understanding the story of the game because I didn’t play the first one. You start to play the game in the middle of the adventure. You have a sword and shield, so you think that the story is in the past, but you also have a kind of motorcycle that has no wheels but can fly. Also, you have a brother in arms named Gen, and it’s a robot. The other friend Trin tells you the story during the game, help you to solve the puzzle. ...

January 21, 2020 · 2 min

Being a Polyglot Developer

My objective for the year 2019 was joining one more programming language community after Python and Lisp. I followed .NET Core in my first six months and did some projects using C# and F#. But then, I decided that learning Rust is a better idea. Some of the Python and Django developers I’ve followed have had a significant impact on my decision. Python is a programming language that easy to learn, it has a significant and active community, and I believe that it will keep its popularity for a longer time. Therefore, when choosing another programming language, I make sure that it has different features and priorities. I’m not sure, but I think that that’s why I couldn’t continue with .NET community. I already produce microservices, REST API, gRPC server, or even classifying things using machine learning libraries in Python. But I would not have preferred Python if I want to make a mobile application, that would not make sense. Or I would use Rust for embedded or blockchain projects; I would code data or text mining tools in Lisp, for example. ...

December 31, 2019 · 2 min

Data Types in Programming

I started to take a look at C++ courses to understand Rust better because it helps me to see the advantages of Rust. The following images are from a Linkedin course, the instructor is Bill Weinman, and his courses are perfect if you want to program with C++. If you have a photographic memory to remind something quickly, then you may like these images explaining data types in programming. ...

August 25, 2019 · 1 min

First Review on My iPad

I started using an iPad instead of a second laptop for more effective use. Although it is excellent for reading things, answering emails, checking tasks, it is still not possible to use as a laptop with these devices. So I tried to connect to my primary PC remotely. But this was not satisfactory for me either. I took some notes to compare when iOS 13 and some updates came. ...

August 3, 2019 · 2 min

My First Wrong After The Vacation

At the end of my three-week vacation, I was asked for a seemingly easy task. We were going to release the new version of the project we developed: Is today is the last working of the week? No. Is there any problem with the unit tests? No. Are all changes confirmed by the product manager, in the staging server? Yes. I always note everything, and so I write this article to remind this experience. My other habit is to define dosh sub-commands to access frequently used commands in my whole projects. It doesn’t matter if the project is written in .NET Core or used Django; ...

June 20, 2019 · 2 min

Configure Windows for Development

Environment Variables I still use some development tools that are used by most Linux users and these tools need some environment variables like LC_ALL, HOME, etc. When I have a new PC with Windows 10, I start to use with defining these variables. Take a look at this post for more detail. PowerShell Core It’s possible to use BASH on Windows indeed, but I think PowerShell Core is a good alternative. Git integration is working well, defining aliases and functions is easy: ...

March 16, 2019 · 2 min


For good things in life, you need labour, patience, and time. To draw a picture, To play an instrument, To program software, Or to produce something, Even to complete a book, To translate a text, To tell the troubles, To write what you think, To prepare a broadcast, For everything. Just sharing something in social media and consuming it is easy.

February 27, 2019 · 1 min

What age do we live?

Our technology is not so advanced to be an eye or an ear for us. Or we’re not in an age where we don’t need our body yet.

February 16, 2019 · 1 min

String quotes in PEP8

I use PEP8 in my Python projects except for a few rules. I think ‘single-quote’ and “double-quote” characters should NOT be the same. It could be better if these two characters had different counterparts in the Python language parser system. So we could use one of them for the template-strings (or f-strings). It doesn’t provide readability, causes inconsistency instead. Until now, I used string-quotes for the variable definitions and double-quotes for the visible texts. But now, I plan to use always double-quote as in many other programming languages. ...

January 12, 2019 · 1 min

Spreadsheet applications

Spreadsheet applications are the most functional applications I’ve used. Excel, Gnumeric, Google Sheet, OpenOffice Calc or whatever, it doesn’t matter. You can use it as task management like Trello, make daily - weekly - monthly plans, store and transfer data, and follow your financial situation. It’s like a Swiss army knife and not a new invention. I’ll update this article when I find a more functional application.

January 2, 2019 · 1 min

How do I publish my articles?

With just a command: # terminal $ ENV=PROD ./ deploy I have many projects using my script named DOSH and the parameters are mostly in common; deploy, start, stop, runtests, etc. It can be a .NET Core or a Django project, or just a website using any static site generator like this one but I run all the projects with the same command: dosh start. In Windows, the command may be a bit longer than in the other operating systems. So it’s a good idea to shorten the command using some aliases, the default environment is DEV: ...

December 30, 2018 · 4 min

Important Windows Environment Variables

PowerShell and Git encoding problems To make git log command output properly display on Windows, we need to set a variable named LC_ALL: LC_ALL="C.UTF-8" Incorrect home folder in Emacs This problem is not only about Emacs. If you try to find a file from HOME variable, you may need to define the variable first: HOME="%USERPROFILE%" ;; place all backup files in one directory (setq backup-directory-alist `((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory))) (setq auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" ,temporary-file-directory t))) (setq default-directory (concat (getenv "HOME") "/Workspace")) More.. Take a look at the other posts about my Windows development environment. ...

December 25, 2018 · 1 min