Less Configuration for More Freedom

I’m very conservative to avoid changing my routines, habits about my preferred software and hardware. But on the other hand, I always follow the new tools and try them as much as possible. It’s not easy to change habits, but if I think that the new alternative is better than my current one, and if I think that the new tool will increase my work quality, then I take a risk and replace it. ...

May 16, 2024 · 3 min

Configuration Updates With Emacs 29

As I mentioned in my last post, I started using VSCode to see what I’m missing and I thought that it’s a good time to take all the risks and break my Emacs configuration. In the last changes, I tried to use the built-in alternatives of the packages like eglot instead of lsp-mode. Now I’ve made the decision to update Emacs to version 29. When I first switched to Emacs 28, all my performance problems were solved thanks to native compilation support. Most of these problems were caused by LSP1 and it was very annoying to wait even half a second to see syntax errors in the code. Now I don’t close Emacs on the server for months. This was the most significant change to Emacs 28 that I can’t forget. ...

May 7, 2023 · 3 min

Status Update on Emacs

I’ve used Emacs for years, and it’s not easy to get rid of this archaic (what?) editor. Although it helped me do my job better, my setup was not as stable as in the editor. When I started working as a web developer, I was installing all the project requirements on the local machine, even though I was not using virtual environments. Emacs was good enough to make development possible. ...

April 10, 2023 · 3 min